Last updated February 7, 2020
Work Party News
16 August 2017
A work party cleared most of the path near start of Walk 16 (point 7), and repaired a stile on Walk 18 (just South of point 6).
Site 1: Clearance Walk 16 (point 7)
We started on the clearance from the NE end, but after about 50 metres Bob C used the hedge cutter to cut into a wasp nest – nasty! The rest of that team therefore moved to the SE end of the house and cut further SW from there and back west NE to a safe distance from the angry wasps.
Simon closed the wasps stretch of the path, and since then the wasps have been dealt with, and Simon is returning to clear the wasp stretch.
Site 2 : Stile Repair Walk 18 (just South of point 6)
Bob C and Roger moved to the stile and made a good repair with second hand timber.