
Constitution of “A Coventry Way Association”
  1. The name of the organisation shall be “A Coventry Way Association” hereafter called ACWA.
  2. Aims of ACWA are: –
    • To promote A Coventry Way (ACW) for the benefit of the community as a Long Distance Path.
    • To support local authorities in maintaining ACW with working parties drawn from the membership.
    • To organise annually a Challenge event that encourages all grades of recreational walkers and runners (including charity walkers/runners) to get into the countryside around Coventry. The event to be non-competitive.
    • Encourage the use of public transport to get into the countryside near to Coventry.
    • To make available either in book form and/or downloadable form as appropriate an up-to-date copy of ACW Guide Booklet (Green Book).
    • To produce and make available either in book form and/or downloadable form as appropriate copies of circular walks linked to ACW.
    • To introduce people to long distance walking and acquaint them with the six other Long Distance Walks close to Coventry: Centenary Way, Heart of England Way, Oxford Canal Walk and Shakespeare’s Avon Way, Millennium Way & Coventry Canal Walk.
    • Encourage all users to abide by The Country Code.
    • To raise sufficient funds/support/sponsorship to achieve the aims noted above.
    • Wherever possible on the Way, encourage and support the local authorities in making access suitable for people with impaired mobility.
  3. People shall be admitted to membership of the Association through notification to the Secretary of each person’s name, postal and email address at any time during a calendar year or at an AGM. The name, postal and email address of each member and the date upon which each member ceases to be a member shall be entered in a register to be kept by the Secretary.
  4. Membership shall last annually, from AGM to AGM, or from the date of notification to the Secretary to the following AGM. Members will be asked to reconfirm their membership to the Secretary when advised of the date, time and location of the AGM.
  5. The Annual General Meeting will be held every year in the month of November or December. The meeting shall be held, not only for the election of Officers, but also for the purpose of informing all members of the progress and forward planning of ACWA. The Audited Accounts will be presented for inspection. Auditors can be appointed at any General or Special meeting, but will normally be appointed at the AGM.
  6. Only registered members shall be allowed to vote at any meeting of ACWA
  7. The officers to be elected at each AGM shall be Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, plus a maximum of four registered members.
  8. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of ACWA, for a period of one year. They will be eligible for re-election at the end of the term at the next AGM of the ACWA.
  9. Any registered member can call a Special General Meeting provided that the reason is put in writing to the Secretary at least two weeks before the meeting is to take place.
  10. All members shall be notified at least four weeks before an AGM can take place.
  11. Eight members are required to be present, including two officers of ACWA, at any Special General or Annual General Meeting, before any such Meeting can take place.
  12. Committee meetings will take place usually bi-monthly, with a minimum of four meetings to be held in any one year.
  13. The powers of the Committee with regard to the borrowing of money, or acquiring property, can only be authorised by a vote of members at an Annual or Special Meeting.
  14. The ACWA constitution can only be amended at an Annual General Meeting, providing two thirds of those present vote for change. Any member seeking to alter the constitution must provide the Secretary with the complete written details of the intended amendment three weeks prior to the AGM taking place.
  15. All members will be notified of any proposed alterations to the constitution two weeks prior to the AGM taking place.
  16. Members can be co-opted onto committees or sub committees, to fill any vacancies or otherwise, at any Committee or Special meeting of ACWA and have the full powers of a committee member until such times as the next AGM.
  17. In the event of ACWA winding up, the allocation of all assets belonging to ACWA after all liabilities have been settled, shall be decided at the wind-up meeting, where a majority vote will suffice from two thirds of the members voting.

November 2021